Upminster Park playground will be getting an upgrade, thanks to a campaign by Sacred Heart of Mary school girls that was backed by local MP, Julia Lopez.
Veolia Environmental Trust has now awarded £75 000 to update the play equipment in the popular local park – and make it accessible for children with disabilities.
Mrs Lopez has been supporting the campaign after Class 9L of Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School in Upminster invited her to a special class presentation in May. Inspired by a BBC Newsround report, pupils wanted to show the MP the lack of facilities at Upminster Park playground for disabled children. Currently the park has only one piece of equipment for disabled users which is broken and cannot be used.
Mrs Lopez got full square behind the campaign and vowed to raise it immediately with Havering Council. The council went on to bid for Veolia Trust funding, with the Trust writing to Mrs Lopez at the turn of the year to confirm that the campaign has been successful.
By installing new accessible equipment, benches and new planters, the funding will create an inclusive space which also supports local biodiversity.
Commenting, Mrs Lopez said:
“I’m so pleased to hear that the pupils’ campaign to improve Upminster Park’s play area has been successful! I wanted to show the girls that the right campaigns can genuinely make a difference and improve people’s everyday lives for the better – and that that's what our politics and democracy is about.
"These students have had their first win, and they should be so proud of themselves. Every new play experience that a local child gets at Upminster Park – building their strength, skills and sense of adventure – can now be directly attributed to the girls’ campaign.
Mrs Lopez was particularly keen to support the campaign as it chimed with her wider work to improve leisure options in the constituency. She has been working with Upminster Hockey & Cricket Clubs to renovate their pavilion, secured funding for court resurfacing in Harold Wood and swimming pool support in Harold Hill, and has secured the expansion of local woodlands as part of compensation for the Lower Thames Crossing.